Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Mmmhop: my first Halftime Hophead delivery!

As I moved to living solo in the not-so-big city of Seattle (ha, the small Seattle stories just get better and more ridiculous with each passing month), I considered a few options for celebrating such a milestone. Instantly unpacking and organizing everything? Meh. Studies show that some level of clutter helps bolster creativity and innovation - or something. I wouldn't want to mess with that. A cat? Nah - I'm just not that into them. Oh wait...

...Half Time's IPA Hophead Beer of the Month Club! 

Yes, this really exists - and yes, I totally expected it to be a hoax. Isn't it too good to be true? But then...

(There's a small chance I got so excited that I kind of ripped the beer rap sheet as I was tearing into the box...)

 ...and THIS!

Oh my, this is going to be very very fun. 

Already, I'm anticipating a nice little East Coast v. West Coast hop rivalry, which incidentally is somewhat symbolic of me and the occasional coastal inner conflict I experience. Which is better (or worse): the immensely annoying passive-aggressiveness that can run rampant in the likes of Seattle - or the often prevalent aggressiveness and intensity that can grip the likes of DC and NYC? Do I prefer the distinctly delicious PNW hop style, or the nostalgic wonderment of balanced IPAs from the likes of Otter Creek? 

At the end of the day, I suppose it's not really an either-or proposition - I could just find the best of both worlds, huh. Well, I guess we'll just have to see...


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