Sunday, November 17, 2013

Mid-month catch-up hop-stop

Ok, I dropped the ball a bit. Fine, a lot. October turned into November, work got busy, I finally unpacked most of my new place, and then work got really busy.

And, for some reason, I prioritized beers with peers and then sleeping rather than writing about them afterward. Crazy, I know.

But now I've got a beer backlog and I don't like it. So here it goes, a quick and dirty run-down of the hoptastic brews I've had lately:

(1) High Tide Fresh Hop IPA, Port Brewing 
(6.5% ABV, IBUs unknown, more stats here)
This brewski was a little lighter than my usual taste, but it was wonderfully refreshing and tasty. I enjoyed this one at The Sixgill, is increasingly one of my favorite go-to places in Seatown. Unfortunately, I don't believe it's on tap anymore - until next year folks...

(2) Notorious Triple IPA, Boneyard Brewing
(12% ABV, 80 IBUs, more stats here)
Ugh. I thought I'd love this one, but it's a perfect example of a big - and potentially delightful - IPA gone wrong. Whatever Boneyard put in to offset the crazy hops and alcohol content made this beer taste syrupy and bordering on bad brandywine status. No bueno.

(3) Dugana IPA, Avery Brewery Company

(8.5% ABV, 93 IBUs, more stats here) 
Mmmmm mmmm, this one was good. "Tasty and complex with that nice dry feeling at the end." There may have been a dash of caramel in there as well, but according to my notes, there's a big question mark following that phrase. Go go Dugana!

(4) Big Bertha IPA, Big Al's Brewery
(10% ABV, 110 IBUs, more stats here)
One word: AWESOME. (thank you iPhone notepad)

(5) New Belgium Progression Night at The Sixgill!
(see below for details)
All of these beers were tasty, but I think my favorite was the first one, the Hop Kitchen French Aramis. It was just everything you'd hope for in a refreshing IPA, especially when watching the Sounders v. Timbers game at The Sixgill. Yep, the game was disappointing, but at least the brewskis were anything but...

(6) Falco IPA, Evil Twin Brewing
(7% ABV, IBUs unknown, more stats here)
OH MY. Oh my. What a swell swell beer. Here's more from someone who might be able to say more about the Falco: "This first sip is packed with clean grapefruit, pine, and straw. A high level of carbonation leads to a light mouthfeel. This is sneaky refreshing for a beer 7 percent alcohol by volume. I get a dry finish. This is a really good IPA, and an approachable one at that."

Ok, that's enough for now. Time to get back to making cookies for my phenomenal co-workers - yep, they're that good.


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