Sunday, March 23, 2014

Spring forward - or hop forward?

Whoa. So, right. A few months have passed since I touched this thing. And wow, a lot has happened.

The Seahawks won the Superbowl. I went to Zambia and Uganda. I was selected as a back-up for watching over S when M has her baby in May. I started drafting a Modern Love column. Did I mention the Seahawks and the whole Superbowl thing?

And oh yes. The beer. There's been a lot of tasty beer enjoyed by this girl recently. Or not so recently, as the case may be.

Here's what I can briefly gather from my iPhone notes:

Enjoy By 2.14.14 and Enjoy By 4.20.14, Stone Brewery
(allegedly 9.4% ABV, 88 IBUs for each iteration)
More like enjoy by whenever you can get your hands on these brews. The 2.14.14 round got me through some long days at work, largely enjoyed at Fremont's The Sixgill. Here's how it'd go: work a minimum of 10 to 12 hours. Discover I had forgotten to eat enough or had had too much caffeine to easily sleep. Swing by The Sixgill at 9 pm for foodstuffs and a delectably tasty, complex, hoppy but balanced, Enjoy By. Go home, sleep a bit, repeat. One month later, Enjoy By 4.20.14 gets bottled and hits the Seattle shelves. After a rough week, I bought an overpriced bottle at PCC and brought it over to M and S's to watch an immensely high-brow television series that rhymes with the smachelor. Again, so tasty, so interesting to the palate, hoppy but balanced - way to Stone, way to go Enjoy By. I've never been more thankful for the next four weeks.

The Brother Imperial IPA, Fremont Brewing
(8.5% ABV, about a billion IBUs, more details here)
Oh brother - you've ruined every other beer for me. It's a bold move, I know, but this beer might just be my new favorite. Perhaps even ever. I thought The Sister was pretty spectacular, but well, like my little brother, this one just rocks my socks off. Thankfully, Fremont Brewing decided to have The Brother for awhile this late winter-to-early spring, as I've enjoyed it several times: (1) post-NFC championship game wherein the Seahawks emerged oh so victorious; (2) post-report finalization with A; (3) drinks with J; (4) drinks with M; (5) drinks by myself...ok, ok, ok, have I made my point clear? This is a truly awesome IPA, bold but somehow light(ish), hoppy and citrus-y, and...sir, may I have some more?

Topcutter IPA, Bale Breaker Brewing
(6.8% ABV, 70 IBU, more details here)
So this is fun: according to N (and The Sixgill), Bale Breaker Brewing has only recently started to distribute its hoppy wares in Seattle. The Moxee-based brewery (basically Yakima - oh my upstate NY accent is wonderfully showcased by saying Yaaaaaaakima) has made this fine IPA that has a lower alcohol content without sacrificing hop-tasticity. It tickles the palate with some kind of citrus-y goodness, and I imagine this brewski would a tasty one for the summer months. Bonus - it comes in cans! All the better to pack for kayak adventures - hurrah! Is it summer yet?

Alright, this makes sound like a happy-hoppy-hippy. Indeed, I have had some disappointing beers in the last few months. For instance, I really didn't like High Water Brewing's Hop Logic in January - I actually bought one of those 22 oz bottles at Bottleworks and promptly dumped it down the drain after my first sip. "Gross brandy-wineness, ugh" says my iPhone. And subsequently, I turned down High Water brews several times due to this unfortunate experience. Sorry guys, but my hop-discerning gullet is just not that into you.

Next up: reviews of Washington's Hob Mob Triple IPA Roadshow (courtesy of myself, M, and K). Sneak preview: Georgetown's Kiss Ass Blaster "is more like kick ass!" and Spinnaker Bay's Three Sheets to the Wind is "burnt, earthy, heavy - whatever. I stick my tongue out at it."
